Student Safety Information

Policy © 5-408 Hazing Prevention
Hazing is prohibited. Solicitation to engage in hazing is prohibited. Aiding and abetting another person who is engaged in hazing is prohibited.
A person commits hazing by:
Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, for the purpose of pre-initiation activities, pledging, initiating, holding office, admitting, or affiliating a student into or with an organization or for the purpose of continuing, reinstating, or enhancing a student's membership or status in an organization, causing, coercing, or forcing a student to engage in or endure any of the following:
sexual humiliation or brutality, including forced nudity or an act of sexual penetration, or both;
conduct or conditions, including physical or psychological tactics, that are reasonably calculated to cause severe mental distress to the student, including activities that are reasonably calculated to cause the student to harm themselves or others;
the consumption of any food, nonalcoholic liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug, or other substance that poses a substantial risk of death, physical injury, or emotional harm;
an act of restraint or confinement in a small space or significant sleep deprivation;
conduct or conditions that violate a federal or state criminal law and that pose a substantial risk of death or physical injury; or
physical brutality or any other conduct or conditions that pose a substantial risk of death or physical injury, including whipping, beating, paddling, branding, electric shocking, placing harmful substances on the body, excessive exercise or calisthenics, or unhealthy exposure to the elements.
Arizona law specifically prohibits the following:
with the intent to promote or aid the commission of hazing, agreeing with one or more persons that at least one of them or another person will engage in hazing and one of the parties commits an overt act in furtherance of hazing;
intentionally or knowingly engaging in conduct that would constitute hazing if the attendant circumstances were as the person believes them to be;
intentionally or knowingly doing anything that, under the circumstances as the person believes them to be, is any step in a course of conduct planned to culminate in committing hazing; and
intentionally or knowingly engaging in conduct that is intended to aid another to commit hazing, although the hazing is not committed or attempted by the other person.
This Policy shall not be construed to apply to customary athletic events, contests, or competitions that are sponsored by the school or to any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, legitimate extracurricular program, or legitimate military training program.
Victim consent to or acquiescence in hazing is not a defense to a violation of this Policy.
All students, teachers, and staff shall take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of this Policy.
Complaints of hazing and violations of this Policy shall be reported to the principal or assistant principal of the school that sponsors the organization or where any student allegedly involved is enrolled. The principal, assistant principal, or designee shall promptly investigate all complaints of hazing and violations of this Policy. Violations of this Policy shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency whenever a crime is reasonably suspected to have occurred.
Students who violate this Policy are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and expulsion. Any teacher or staff member who knowingly allows, authorizes, or condones a violation of this Policy is subject to disciplinary action, including suspension without pay and termination of employment. Any organization that knowingly allows, authorizes, or condones a violation of this Policy may have its permission to conduct operations at the school suspended or revoked. All persons and organizations alleged to have violated this Policy are entitled to appropriate due process, including the right to appeal the discipline or sanction to the next administrative level.
This Policy shall be posted in each school building and printed in every student handbook for distribution to parents/legal guardians and students.
Adopted: February 5, 2025
Legal Authority:

Policy © 5-409 Prohibition on Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Harassment, intimidation, and bullying are prohibited on school grounds and property, on school buses, at school bus stops, at school-sponsored events and activities, and through the use of electronic technology and electronic communication on school computers, networks, forums, and mailing lists.
Harassment means any unwelcome conduct by one student toward another student on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), or disability and that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive so as to effectively deny a person equal access to the District's education program or activity.
Intimidation means any behavior by one student toward another student intended to induce fear of physical or emotional harm.
Bullying means any aggressive behavior by one student toward another student that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times. Bullying may inflict physical, psychological, social, or educational harm or distress on a targeted student. It is not bullying when:
Students of similar age, strength, and size quarrel or fight with each other.
A student provokes another into a verbal or physical confrontation.
A student acts aggressively toward another student in the absence of an imbalance of power.
At the beginning of each school year, school officials are to provide all students with a written copy of the rights, protections, and support services available to victims of harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
All schools shall make a written form available for the reporting of incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Students and parents/legal guardians may make a confidential report to the appropriate school official. District employees are to report suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying to the appropriate school official in writing. District employees who fail to do so are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension without pay and termination of employment.
All reported incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying are to be documented and the documentation maintained for at least six years. The documentation shall not be used to impose disciplinary action unless an appropriate school official determines that the alleged harassment, intimidation, or bullying occurred. The documentation shall be maintained confidential to the extent possible, and if provided to persons other than school officials or law enforcement, all individually identifiable information shall be redacted.
If an incident of harassment, intimidation, or bullying is reported, school officials will provide an alleged victim with a written copy of the rights, protections, and support services available.
An appropriate school official shall investigate reported and suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying and shall notify the alleged victim and alleged victim's parents/guardians of the investigation.
Students who have admitted to or been found to have engaged in harassment, intimidation, or bullying are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and expulsion. Any student determined to have submitted a false report of harassment, intimidation, or bullying is also subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and expulsion.
Any student physically harmed as the result of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may be referred for emergency medical services, if appropriate. Violations of this Policy shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency whenever a crime is reasonably suspected to have occurred.
Adopted: July 1, 2024
Legal Authority:
Students with Chronic Health Issues
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This letter is to inform you that the School District makes special arrangements for homework assignments for students who are unable to attend classes due to frequent absences because of illness, disease, accident, pregnancy or other health conditions. Your student may be eligible to receive modified instructional services provided for "Students With Chronic Health Conditions."
A form is enclosed asking your family's licensed healthcare professional to certify your student is unable to attend school regularly due to chronic or acute health problems, for intermittent periods of time totaling three school months during a school year. Please ask your certified health professional or nurse practitioner to fill out the medical certification form and return it to the school.
If your student is eligible as a "student with a chronic health condition," the school will make sure that you receive homework and contact with a teacher during necessary absences. The teacher will work out an agreement for homework assignments with you to assure receipt of credit for completed homework.
Students with chronic health problems will be provided the opportunity for:
1. Homework availability to ensure they have the opportunity to keep up with assignments and avoid losing credit because of their absence from school; and
2. Flexibility in physical education activity requirements so they may participate in the regular physical education program to the extent that their health permits.
Robert Clark BSN, RN
Cottonwood Oak Creek School District Nurse
Whisper Watch: Anonymous Reporting System
Whisper Watch is Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District’s anonymous reporting system for students to report bullying, behavioral concerns, or campus safety issues 24/7. Reports can be submitted through the COCSD mobile app or online form easily and confidentially.
School administrators use Whisper Watch to quickly assess and address potential safety threats or mental health concerns, ensuring appropriate action is taken. All reports are sent directly to the superintendent for review and investigation.
🔹 Important Note: While the form requires certain fields to be filled, you are not required to provide your name or contact information (you may enter “N/A”). However, providing your contact details can help administrators resolve the issue more effectively.

Cottonwood-Oak Creek Schools Wellness Handbook
You can view and download the handbook here.
The Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District Wellness Handbook has been created to provide holistic wellness operating guidelines based on school district policies. This handbook is also a point of reference for parent groups, partnering groups, and parents in understanding the District’s Wellness Program and Guidelines. Buildings within the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District will be responsible for implementing and following the guidelines set before them in this handbook. It is the responsibility of the above mentioned parties to read and understand this handbook.

Yavapai County Superintendent Steve King speaks about school safety

Emergency Situations